LFP is a Canned/Pouch Sweet Corn Kernels, Seasonal Fruits, Sugar Palm Seed, Pickled items manufacturing in Thailand for over 30 years



Aspartame Febuary 2024 Aspartame is a sweetener instead of sugar that is mostly be found and commonly used as an ingredient in food and beverages. Aspartame in the market made from Aspartic Acid and Phenylalanine which is a natural amino acid mixed with methyl ester. Aspartic acid is an amino acid that the body can

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Allicin Febuary 2024 Allicin is an organosulfur compound obtained from garlic. When fresh garlic is chopped or crushed, the enzyme alliinase converts alliin into allicin, which is responsible for the aroma of fresh garlic. Allicin is unstable and quickly changes into a series of other sulfur-containing compounds such as diallyl disulfide. Allicin is an antifeedant, i.e. the defense mechanism against attacks by pests on the

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